Un pionnier canadien se rapproche de la livraison par drone

Drone Delivery Canada (DDC), une compagnie fondée en 2014 et basée à Vaughan, en Ontario, a annoncé la conclusion d’un accord avec Staples pour « explorer les possibilités de développement, d’implantation et de commercialisation d’une plateforme logistique de livraison par drone capable de répondre aux besoins commerciaux de Staples au Canada.

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Staples Teams up with Canadian Drone Delivery Company

Drone Delivery Canada (DDC), a drone technology company based out of Vaughan, Ontario, has announced a collaboration with office supplies giant Staples Inc. Under the new partnership, the two companies plan to explore the feasibility of developing, implementing and commercializing a drone delivery logistics platform for Staples’ commercial requirements nationwide in Canada.

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Will Canada See Drone Delivery Before the US?

The US often enjoys being the first of many things, especially tech-based services, given that so many tech titans are headquartered on American soil. But the nation has been slow to accept the idea of commercial drones—while Canada and parts of Europe seem more eager to allow the innovative technology to advance.

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